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Do you want to see the affirmation of the day?

The 4 Affirmations That Are Going To Change Your Life!

The 4 Affirmations That Are Going To Change Your Life!

These 4 Affirmations Will Change Your Life

You don't need a million affirmations.

You don't need to repeat them five thousand times a day.

What you do need is a few ridiculously effective affirmations that can truly change the way you think.

Most people just repeat things like "I am rich" in their heads over and over again.

This can make them feel happy but it's simply not the most effective way of creating lasting change.

Here they are:

  • I am capable of achieving anything I set my mind to.
  • I am strong and resilient.
  • I am grateful for all that I have.
  • I am improving every single day.

And in question form:

  • Why am I capable of achieving anything I set my mind to?
  • Why am I strong and resilient?
  • Why am I grateful for all that I have?
  • Why am I improving every single day?

And in third person:

  • You are capable of achieving anything I set my mind to.
  • You are strong and resilient.
  • You are grateful for all that I have.
  • You are improving every single day.

Repeat the I am affirmations to yourself every day. Ask yourself the questions every morning and use the you are affirmations as positive mantras.

You will begin to notice change in your life.

  1. I am capable of achieving anything I set my mind to.
  2. I am strong and resilient.
  3. I am grateful for all that I have.
  4. I am improving every single day.
  5. Why am I capable of achieving anything I set my mind to?
  6. Why am I strong and resilient?
  7. Why am I grateful for all that I have?
  8. Why am I improving every single day?
  9. You are capable of achieving anything I set my mind to.
  10. You are strong and resilient.
  11. You are grateful for all that I have.
  12. You are improving every single day.