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A Trillion Things To Be Grateful For - Mega Gratitude List

A Trillion Things To Be Grateful For - Mega Gratitude List
teacher at chalkboard

You're not grateful enough and you should be!

Listen up all you ungrateful people. It's that time of year again when we all sit down and reflect on the things we're grateful for.

And I'm here to tell you that there are things to be grateful for, no matter what your current situation might be.

If you ever find yourself asking what am I grateful for? Then this is the article for you.

Why You Should Practice Gratitude

So let's start with the basics.

Why should we even bother practicing gratitude?

Well, it turns out that gratitude has some pretty amazing benefits.

Gratitude Improves Health


For starters, it can help improve our physical health. Studies have shown that grateful people have lower blood pressure, stronger immune systems, and less pain.

Being grateful has also been shown to improve our mental health, making us happier and better able to cope with stress.

Gratitude Improves Everything

And who doesn't want to feel more grateful? More appreciative of the good in their life?

It can be easy to take the good things for granted. The people who love us, our health, our homes.

But what if we paused to truly appreciate those things?

To thank the people who make our lives better?

The world would be a brighter place, don't you think?

Gratitude Increases Positivity

smiling face giving a thumbs up

Gratitude is one of the easiest ways to bring positive emotions into your own life.

And let's be honest, gratitude is a nice feeling.

What should I be grateful for?

What exactly are we supposed to be grateful for? Pretty much anything and everything!

What about the things in your immediate vicinity? What about you're bedroom?

What are some things you could find in your bedroom to be thankful for?

Things to be thankful for in your bedroom

a nice looking bedroom

Just in your immediate surroundings, there are probably so many things to be grateful for.

Don't forget that you don't have to start channeling your deepest emotions to find things to find something to be grateful for.

There are many incredible things that you can feel thankful for in your vicinity.

Right now.

Bedroom gratitude ideas

  • Your bed – a place to rest your weary head at the end of a long day.

  • Your pillow – for cradling your head and keeping you comfortable.

  • Your blankets – for keeping you warm on those cold winter nights.

  • Your dresser – for holding all of your clothes and keeping them organized.

  • Your closet – for giving you a place to store your things.

  • Your windows – for letting in natural light and fresh air.

  • Your door – for giving you privacy and a sense of security.

These are just a few things off the top of my head.

But I'm sure if you really thought about it, you could come up with a MASSIVE gratitude list.

There is no shortage of things to be thankful for

There is no shortage of things to be grateful for in your bedroom. And constantly reminding yourself of these things can make you a better person.

So take a moment and really think about all the things that make your bedroom a special and comfortable place.

Things to appreciate in life

  • Your family and friends – for supporting you and being there for you.

  • Your home – for providing you with a place to live and feel safe.

  • Your job – for giving you an income and a sense of purpose.

  • Your favorite food – for filling your belly and making you happy.

  • The sun – for shining down on us each day and giving us light.

  • The stars – for brightening up the night sky.

  • Nature – for being so beautiful and awe-inspiring.

  • Romantic feelings - for making life exciting and beautiful.

  • Life's challenges - for making you resilient.

  • Spiritual growth - for bringing you closer to your dream self.

  • Deep conversation - for bringing out the best in everyone.

  • Unconditional love - for making the world a brighter place.

  • Kind strangers - for making social interactions exciting.

  • A good meal - this one goes without saying.

  • Your favorite song - because music is great, obviously.

  • Sunday mornings - for not being Monday mornings.

  • Bad days - for making the good ones so much better.

What Is The Best Way To Practice Gratitude

Reading off a list that I've rattled off is (believe it or not) not the best way to practice gratitude.

Be mindful

The best way to truly appreciate all the things you have to be grateful for is to take the time to reflect on each one individually.

So instead of just reading this list and nodding your head, why not take a few minutes to really think about each item?


Think about what it looks like, what it feels like, what it smells like, and how it makes you feel.

Really try to immerse yourself in the experience of being grateful for that thing.

And if you're having trouble coming up with things to be grateful for, start by thinking about the things that make your life easier or better in some way.

Gratitude Journals

a journal

A gratitude journal is also a great way to practice gratitude on a regular basis.

Every day, take some time to write down a few things you're grateful for.

This can be anything from the big things (like your health or your happy family) to the small things (like a good cup of coffee or a sunny day).

Not only will this help you appreciate all the good things in your life, but it will also give you something to look back on when you're feeling down and need a reminder of all the things you have to be thankful for.

Occupations to appreciate

There are a lot of things to be grateful for when it comes to the workforce.

There are plenty of things in this world that need to get done that you and I probably don't want to do.

It is important to grateful and appreciative of the people who do these things.

Here are just a few of those occupations.

  • Janitors – for keeping our buildings clean and safe.

  • Teachers – for helping to educate the next generation.

  • Firefighters – for rushing into burning buildings to save lives.

  • Doctors and nurses – for healing the sick and injured.

How to show your appreciation?

These are just a few of the many occupations out there that are important and deserve our appreciation.

So the next time you see someone working in one of these professions, take a moment to thank them for their service.

You could write a letter of appreciation to your child's teacher or send a thank-you card to your doctor.

Or you could simply say "thank you" the next time you see one of these important people working hard to make our world a better place.

It will probably make them feel better, and it will definitely make you feel better.

Unique Things to Be Thankful For

I know I know, so far this stuff may feel a bit "cookie cutter" or "cliche"

But what about things that are a bit more unique to you and your life? Things that you won't see on your average "things to be grateful for" list.

  • Your imagination – for giving you the ability to dream and create.

  • Your sense of humor – for making life more fun and enjoyable.

  • Your fears – for helping you grow and become stronger.

  • Your mistakes – for teaching you valuable lessons.

  • Your trials and hardships – for making you more compassionate and understanding.

  • Your weaknesses – for showing you where you need to grow.

  • Your talents and abilities – for giving you the ability to contribute to the world in a unique and special way.

  • Your heart – for giving you the capacity to love and be loved.

  • Your soul – for giving you the ability to connect with others on a deep level.

  • Your life – for giving you the chance to experience all that this world has to offer.

These require a bit more thought, but I think you'll find that they are things that you are uniquely grateful for.

And when you take the time to appreciate these things, you'll find that your life becomes richer and more full.

Health things to be grateful for

When it comes to health, in the case of most of us, things could be a lot worse. We may not be perfect, but we're still alive and (relatively) healthy.

Unfortunately, this is a massive assumption to make on my part, you may or may not be reading this in good health. In which case I sincerely apologize for making such an assumption.

But for the majority of us, things could be a lot worse when it comes to our health. So here are a few things to be grateful for, even if you're not feeling your best.

  • Your ability to breathe – for giving you the gift of life.

  • Your heart – for pumping blood and oxygen to your cells.

  • Your brain – for giving you the ability to think, feel, and experience life.

  • Your senses – for allowing you to see, hear, smell, taste, and touch the world around you.

  • Your immune system – for protecting you from disease and illness.

  • Your body – for allowing you to experience life in a physical form.

  • Your ability to heal – for allowing your body to repair itself when it is injured or ill.

  • Your resilience – for allowing you to bounce back from setbacks and adversity.

  • Your courage – for allowing you to face your fears and overcome them.

  • Your determination – for giving you the strength to keep going, even when things are tough

These are just a few things to be grateful for when it comes to health.

There are obviously many more things that could be added to this list, but that's up to you.

Inventions to be thankful for

a cellphone

There are many modern marvels that we take for granted.

When you stop to think about it, there are some pretty amazing things that have been invented in the last few hundred years.

Here are a few things to be grateful for, even if you're not a fan of technology.

  • The printing press – for giving us the ability to print books and other materials.

  • The telephone – for giving us the ability to communicate with others over long distances.

  • The automobile – for giving us the freedom to travel wherever we want, whenever we want.

  • The airplane – for making it possible to travel to any corner of the globe in a matter of hours.

  • The computer – for giving us the ability to store and access information at the click of a button.

  • The internet – for giving us the ability to connect with others all over the world.

  • The smartphone – for giving us the ability to stay connected, even when we're on the go.

  • GPS – for giving us the ability to find our way, even when we're lost.

  • Electric lights – for giving us the ability to see in the dark.

  • Air conditioning – for making it possible to live in hot climates.

  • Modern medicine - for making common diseases curable.

  • Toilet paper - for making life less miserable

I know I know, cell phones and technology can sometimes be more of a burden than a tool, but positives can always be found when you tune your mind to them.

These are just a few things to be grateful for when it comes to modern inventions. There are many more things that could be added to this list.

People in your life to appreciate

There are many people in our lives who make a positive impact, even if we don't realize it. Here are a few people to be grateful for, even if you don't always see eye to eye.

  • Your parents – for giving you life and raising you to the best of their ability.

  • Your grandparents – for being a part of your life and sharing their wisdom with you.

  • Your siblings – for being there for you, even when things are tough.

  • Your friends – for supporting you and being a part of your life.

  • Your teachers – for helping you to learn and grow.

  • Your mentors – for guiding you and helping you to achieve your goals.

  • The people who serve you – for providing you with the things you need, when you need them.

  • The strangers who help you – for being there when you need a helping hand.

These are just a few people to be grateful for. There are many more people who make a positive impact on our lives, even if we don't realize it.

Things in nature to be thankful for

beautiful forest in nature

There is much to appreciate in the natural world, even if we don't always take the time to notice it. Here are a few things to be grateful for, even if you're not a fan of nature. Although who isn't a fan of nature?

  • The sun – for giving us light and life.

  • The moon – for lighting up the night sky.

  • The stars – for being a source of wonder and inspiration.

  • The flowers – for adding beauty to the world.

  • The trees – for providing us with oxygen and shelter.

  • The rain – for watering the earth and making things grow.

  • The snow – for blanketing the world in white and bringing us joy.

  • The birds – for filling the air with their song.

  • The animals – for adding charm and variety to the world.

  • The earth – for being our home and providing us with everything we need to live.

Send Thank You Cards

thankyou card

Sending thank you cards is a great way to show your appreciation for the things people do for you. It's a simple act of kindness that can brighten someone's day and make them feel appreciated.

  • Send a thank you card to your parents – for everything they've done for you over the years.

  • Send a thank you card to your grandparents – for their love and support.

  • Send a thank you card to your siblings – for being there for you, even when things are tough.

  • Send a thank you card to your friends – for their friendship and support.

  • Send a thank you card to your teachers – for helping you to learn and grow.

  • Send a thank you card to your mentors – for their guidance and support.

  • Send a thank you card to the people who serve you – for providing you with the things you need, when you need them.

  • Send a thank you card to the strangers who help you – for being there when you need a helping hand.

Sending thank you cards is just one way to show your appreciation for the things people do for you. There are many other ways to show your gratitude, as well.

Demonstrate Your Gratitude

Demonstrating your gratitude in a real way, whether that is by personally thanking someone, or sending them a card, is significantly more effective than just thinking about things you are grateful for.

When we take the time to show our appreciation, it not only brightens the other person's day, but it also makes us feel good. So go out and show your gratitude today!

Practice Gratitude Every Day


Gratitude is something that should be practiced every day. It's not something that you should only think about on Thanksgiving or when something good happens.

Whenever you take the time to notice and appreciate the good things in your life, you will feel happier and more positive.

So make it a point to practice gratitude every day, and see how it transforms your life.

1. Wake up each morning and think about things you are grateful for.

2. Make it a habit to thank people when they do something nice for you.

3. Write down things you are grateful for in a journal or diary.

4. Take the time to notice the good things that happen to you each day.

5. Spend time with people who make you feel happy and appreciated.

6. Help others, and feel grateful for the opportunity to do so.

7. Express your gratitude to the people who are important to you.

8. Live in the present moment, and appreciate all that life has to offer.

9. Practice mindfulness, and focus on the things that make you feel good.

10. Be grateful for everything you have, and know that things can always be worse.

No matter what life throws your way, always remember to be grateful for the things you have. Gratitude is the key to happiness, so make sure to practice it every day!

Your own personal accomplishments

You've accomplished a lot in your life, even if you don't always take the time to notice it. Here are a few things to be grateful for, even if you don't think of yourself as being particularly successful.

  • You're still alive – for making it through another day, despite the challenges you may have faced.

  • You have food to eat – for having enough to sustain yourself and nourish your body.

  • You have a roof over your head – for having somewhere safe and warm to sleep at night.

  • You have clothes to wear – for having something to protect you from the elements.

  • 5. You have people in your life who care about you – for having someone to turn to when you need support.

  • You have the ability to learn – for being able to grow and change over time.

  • You have the ability to love – for being able to feel compassion and connection with others.

  • You have the ability to make a difference – for being able to have an impact on the world around you.

  • You have unique talents and abilities – for being able to contribute in your own special way.

  • You are capable of greatness – for having the potential to achieve anything you set your mind to.

These are just a few things to be grateful for when i comes to your personal accomplishments. There are many more things that you can be proud of, even if you don't always see them yourself.

The things you take for granted

We often take the things we have for granted, without even realizing it.

Here are a few things to be grateful for, even if you don't think of them as being particularly special.

  • Your eyesight – for being able to see the world around you.

  • Your hearing – for being able to hear the sounds of the world around you.

  • Your ability to walk – for being able to move freely and explore your surroundings.

  • Your ability to communicate – for being able to share your thoughts and feelings with others.

  • Your sense of smell – for being able to enjoy the aromas of the world around you.

Recent things I put on my Gratitude List

When I practice gratitude, I like to focus on things that have happened recently. Here are a few things I've been grateful for lately.

1. The flowers that bloomed in my garden – for adding beauty to my day.

2. The sunset I watched last night – for filling me with wonder.

3. The time I spent with my friends – for making me laugh and feel loved.

4. The book I'm reading – for teaching me new things.

5. The meal I had today – for giving me the nourishment I need to thrive.

6. The roof over my head – for keeping me safe and warm.

7. The clothes I'm wearing – for keeping me comfortable and protected.

8. The people in my life – for supporting me and loving me.

9. The ability to learn – for helping me grow and change.

10. The ability to love – for giving me compassion and connection.

These are just a few things I've been grateful for lately.

There are many more things to be grateful for, both big and small.

Gratitude Is Powerful

Gratitude is a powerful emotion that can have a profound impact on our lives.

When we take the time to notice and appreciate the things we have, we can start to see the world in a whole new light.

There are many things to be grateful for, both big and small.

By practicing gratitude, we can open our hearts and minds to the good in our lives, and start to feel more positive and optimistic about the future.

Gratitude has the power to change our lives for the better, so it's worth taking the time to focus on what we're grateful for.

Thanks for reading!

I hope this article has inspired you to start your own gratitude practice.