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Good Luck & Good Fortune Affirmations

Good Luck & Good Fortune Affirmations

Good Luck Affirmations

Good luck affirmations are a great way to manifest luck and attract good fortune into your life. You can use them for yourself or use them for other people.

By using good luck affirmations you can force your mind to see things in a positive light, and to believe that things will work out for the best for you.

It is often said that your brain is like a computer.

By using affirmations, you can program your mind to believe whatever you want it to believe.

The more you repeat something to yourself, the more likely you are to believe it.

Good luck affirmations are powerful statements that you can repeat to yourself over and over until you start to believe them.

  1. I am worthy of good luck.
  2. I am deserving of good luck.
  3. I attract good luck into my life.
  4. I am open to receiving good luck.
  5. I create my own luck.
  6. Good luck follows me wherever I go.
  7. Why am I so lucky?
  8. Why do good things constantly happen to me?
  9. How did I get this lucky?
I am worthy of good luck.
I am open to receiving good luck.

Positive Affirmation

Why am I so lucky?

Journal Prompt Affirmation

Journal Prompt Affirmation