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Law of Assumption Affirmations

Law of Assumption Affirmations

What is the Law of Assumption?

The Law of Assumption states that you will attract into your life whatever you believe or assume to be true. It is similar to the Law of Attraction, however, while the Law of Attraction is focused on what you want to attract into your life, the Law of Assumption is focused on what you already believe to be true.

For example, if you believe that you are not good enough, you will attract experiences that reinforce this belief. On the other hand, if you assume that you are good enough, you will attract experiences that support this belief.

The Law of Assumption is a powerful tool that can be used to create the life you want. By assuming the best, you can attract the best into your life.

  1. I am assuming that I am capable and competent.
  2. I am assuming that I am worthy and deserving.
  3. I am assuming that I am lovable and loveable.
  4. I am assuming that I am abundant and prosperous.
  5. I am assuming that I am healthy and whole.
  6. I am assuming that I am happy and joyful.
  7. I am assuming that I am peaceful and serene.
  8. I already have all that I need.
  9. All is well in my world.
  10. All that I seek is already mine.
  11. I assume that everything is working out for my highest good.
  12. I assume that I am always surrounded by love and support.
  13. I assume that the universe is conspiring to help me achieve my dreams.
  14. I assume that I am forgiven, and that I forgive myself.
  15. I assume that I am always moving in the right direction.
  16. I assume that everything happens for a reason.
  17. I assume that I am always protected and guided.
  18. I assume that my needs will always be met.
  19. I assume that I am always safe.
  20. Who I want to be is already who I am.
  21. I assume that I am always making progress.
  22. I assume that I am always learning and growing.
  23. I assume that I am always expanding and evolving.
  24. I assume that I am always moving closer to my goals.
  25. I assume that everything is working out for my highest good.