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The Lazy AF Way To Raise Your Vibration & Positive Energy

The Lazy AF Way To Raise Your Vibration & Positive Energy

Raise Your Vibration and Increase Positive Energy

Would you like to raise your vibrations? Of course, you do.

Would you like to feel more peace, love, joy, and bliss and attract positive vibes into your life?

Would you like to increase your positive energy, and positive vibrations and feel better, healthier, and happier?

The higher you raise your vibration the more good things are attracted to you.

Slevin Balkiv

I’ll be explaining how you can do these things and more by raising your vibrational frequency and increasing positive energy in your life.

There are many ways to raise positive vibrations, but here are some simple, easy ways that you can use today.

1. Listen to Music for Manifestation.

Relaxing meditation music can significantly lower your stress levels and decrease anxiety. Stress is the antithesis of your plan to elevate your vibration.

Where stress goes, positive energy can not.

And where positive energy goes, stress can not.

When you listen to manifestation music, your body responds by relaxing your body and mind. It additionally reduces your heart rate and blood pressure. And helps you to attract miracles into your life.

Listening to relaxing music can also increase your feelings of happiness and reduce negative emotions.

Listening to music at the 528Hz healing frequency is an excellent way to increase positive energy!

2. Spend Time in Nature.

Spending time in nature can help you feel more connected to the universe. Spending time in nature can also help you connect with your true self and can help you feel more connected to the universal energy. This is a great way to raise vibrations in your life.

3. Smile and Laugh More.

Smiling and laughing are two of the best ways to raise your vibration. Smiling and laughing make you feel good, and when you feel good, you’re naturally vibrating at a higher frequency.

Smiling and laughing may also help you to attract more good things in life into your life. And obviously, just makes you feel better.

couple laughing to raise vibration

4. Be Grateful.

Gratitude is one of the best ways to increase your positive energy and raise your vibration. When you’re grateful for what you have, you will naturally elevate your frequency.

5. Get Rid of Negative Energy.

Negative energy can drain your positive energy and lower your vibrational frequency. If you want to raise your vibration and increase your positive energy, you need to get rid of negative energy.

6. Do Something You Love.

Doing something you love can help you feel happier, healthier, and more fulfilled. When you’re happy, you’re naturally vibrating at a higher frequency.

7. Meditate.

Meditation is one of the best ways to raise your vibration. Meditation helps you to relax your body and mind, and it also helps you to connect with your true self.

8. Be Kind

Being kind to others is a great way to raise your vibration. When you're kind to others, you’re naturally attracting more good things into your life and opening doors and paths to a better, happier future.

9. Get a Massage.

Getting a massage can help you to relax your body and mind, and it can also help you to feel more connected to your true self. When you feel more connected to your true self you will elevate your positive energy.

woman getting a massage to increase positive vibrations

10. Spend Time With Positive People.

Spending time with positive people is a great way to raise your vibration. When you’re around positive people, you will feel better, and happier and reduce negative energy in your life.

Being around low vibrational people can seriously impact your frequencies and result in negativity entering your life.

  1. I attract positive energy like a magnet.
  2. I am a high vibrational being.
  3. I am the creator of my life.
  4. I am raising my vibration.
  5. I attract high-vibe experiences.
  6. The higher I vibrate, the lighter I feel.