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Neville Goddard Net Worth & Wealth

Neville Goddard Net Worth & Wealth

What Was Neville Goddard’s Net Worth?

Due to Neville Goddard’s philosophy, which claims that anything can be imagined and manifested into reality with the Law of Attraction, many people have questioned how much money he had. What was Neville Goddard’s net worth?

This question likely comes from the fact that this is the first thing most people would ask for if they could be granted any wish. So it makes sense to believe Neville would have an abnormally high net worth as he claimed to have unlimited wishes.

World of Caesar

However to Neville money would be considered as part of what he referred to as the World of Caesar. Once he found the promise of God, materialistic wishes didn’t have much interest for him. Just like many spiritual leaders throughout time, they realize the satisfaction of materialism is something that can be created in your brain at any time. Why would you pursue such things when you could have every feeling this possession could bring you?

However, this is not to say Neville Goddard was poor. He was certainly well off.

Neville Goddard’s Wealth

Neville was likely a shareholder in his family company Goddard Enterprises LTD. In one of his lectures, he tells the story of his brother imagining the family company into success (successfully).

The Goddard's - Neville Goddard's Family, Barbados - Neville Goddard Net Worth

The exact wealth net worth of Neville Goddard is unknown. Neville had a rather private life outside of his public lectures. But from analyzing his life we can obviously come to the conclusion that he was quite well off living a comfortable life in Los Angeles.

  1. I am a money magnet.
  2. My finances improve beyond my wildest dreams.
  3. I am attracting money at this very moment.
  4. I attract money happily in my life.